PSDT Treatment Centers in Dallas, TX

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PTSD is a mental illness caused by traumatic events. This disease causes acute, distressing trauma-related thoughts and sensations long after the occurrence. Sufferers of this condition may have flashbacks or nightmares, feel significant emotional or physical distress, and avoid circumstances that bring back memories. It can cause a variety of reactions, but most people recover. It may be diagnosed if the issues persist. At any age, anyone can get it. Not all people with this illness have experienced danger.

To learn more about our PTSD treatment in Dallas, give us a call at 469-562-4188 or contact us online today.

Types of PTSD

Two conditions approach this condition:

  • Acute stress condition: This mental health issue can develop within a month of a traumatic experience. Its symptoms may continue for longer than four weeks.
  • Complex PTSD: Chronic trauma can cause this mental illness. Child physical or sexual abuse, domestic violence, and war are chronic traumas. Its symptoms and substantial challenges with emotion control, self-esteem, and interpersonal interactions are characteristic of PTSD.
  • PTSD and Other Disorders

    Intrusive thoughts and anxiety are common indicators of PTSD and OCD. OCD treatment can help trauma victims cope by giving them a false sense of control. Studies show that PTSD increases the likelihood of having OCD. Integration is needed to diagnose and treat various illnesses because they interact. PTSD increases postpartum depression risk, with the trauma of childbirth as a major concern. Due to emotional stress, they are more susceptible to depression. It is classified as code F43.1 in the ICD-10. Based on the ptsd ICD-10, it is defined as being exposed to a traumatic event, persistently re-having the trauma, avoiding trauma-related stimuli, and experiencing symptoms of increased stress that last for more than one month and significantly impair functioning.

    Effective Treatment Options

    Our medical center offers a variety of PTSD treatments in Dallas. Its management and recovery are beneficial with these evidence-based treatments. Mental health specialists, like psychiatrists, employ research-proven strategies to help patients recover. Evidence-based PTSD therapy includes psychotherapy and medication.

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    Cognitive behavior treatment (CBT) is successful. Cognitive processing, sustained exposure, and stress inoculation are used to treat this condition. Based on research, cognitive-behavioral therapy is intended to treat complications. It emphasizes altering harmful beliefs and painful negative emotions (e.g., guilt, shame, and "the world is dangerous") caused by the trauma. Our therapists help people face painful memories and feelings.

    Extended Exposure Therapy

    It employs safe, controlled envisioning of trauma or progressive exposures to symptom “triggers” to help a person face and manage anxiety and discomfort and learn to cope.

    Trauma-Focused CBT

    It is an evidence-based therapy strategy for kids and teenagers that combines trauma-sensitive therapies with cognitive-behavioral, familial, and humanistic approaches.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

    Three-month trauma-focused psychotherapy. This treatment helps a person reprocess trauma memories to change their experience. After taking a history and creating a therapy plan, our therapist asks traumatic memory questions. Eye movements are transient and then halt. Session experiences may involve cognitive, image, and feeling shifts. Memory changes and becomes less negative after repeated sessions.

    Group Therapy

    It invites trauma survivors to discuss their feelings in a safe space. Participants let each other know that a lot of other people would have thought and acted the same way. Its behavior and distress can influence the whole family; thus, family therapy may assist.


    PTSD medication can manage signs and symptoms. Medicines relieve warning signs, helping many patients participate better in psychotherapy. They are used alone or alongside psychotherapy or other treatments. Individuals with this condition may use other drugs to reduce anxiety, physical agitation, nightmares, and sleep issues.


    Meditation and yoga are part of our therapy methods to help people manage stress, gain self-awareness, and regulate emotions. These methods reduce the symptoms and improve well-being.

    Other Therapies

    Complementary and alternative therapies are also being used as PTSD treatments in Fort Worth. Outside of mental health clinics, these methods may demand less talking and disclosure than psychotherapy. These include acupuncture, yoga, and TMS therapy. Patients with this condition often benefit from peer support groups and treatment.

    Supportive & Integrative Therapies

    Our medical center offers integrative and supportive therapies to supplement traditional treatments.

  • Art and music therapy can help people express unpleasant feelings and experiences.
  • Treatment with therapy dogs helps alleviate anxiety and tension.
  • Physical activity, especially yoga, reduces stress, improves mood, and boosts well-being.
  • Some research suggests that acupuncture could alleviate symptoms of PTSD by relaxing and lowering stress.
  • Nutrition is important for mental health. Our nutritionists help patients create recovery-friendly diets.
  • Supporting Families

    If your family members and friends are affected, Medical centers offers:

  • Family Therapy: This therapy helps families understand this condition, communicate better, and assist their loved one in recovering.
  • Educational workshops: These teach about coping skills and recovery options.
  • Support Groups: Family members can understand and support each other in comparable situations.
  • Personalized Care Plans

    We recognize that PTSD affects everyone differently. We customize treatment to each patient's needs. This may require a mix of therapy and drugs, with changes as needed for optimal treatment. Ongoing support and follow-up for its recovery are continuous processes. Premier Pain Centers provides ongoing support for long-term health. Regular follow-up visits, support groups, training, and self-care resources are included.