Migraines Treatment Centers in Dallas, TX

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A migraine goes beyond a headache. A debilitating, throbbing, one-sided headache might keep you in bed for days. Movement, lights, sounds, and other stimuli might produce weariness, nausea, visual problems, irritability, and more. A migraine specialist can help you control migraines so they don't take over.

To learn more about our migraine treatment in Dallas, give us a call at 469-562-4188 or contact us online today.

How do Diagnose Migraines?

In cases that are unusual, complex, or sudden, tests may be necessary to rule out alternative causes of pain.

  • MRI: MRI scans employ radio waves and a high magnetic field to create comprehensive brain and blood vessel pictures. MRI scans can diagnose neurological diseases such as tumors, strokes, brain hemorrhages, infections, and others.
  • CT scan: A computed tomography (CT) scan creates brain cross-sections from X-rays. This detects cancer, infections, brain injury, brain hemorrhage, and other causes of headaches.
  • Management and Treatments

    Chronic migraine medications are similar to other migraine treatments. There are two primary forms of therapy:

  • Preventive: Medicines prevent or reduce migraines.
  • Rescue: These drugs “rescue” migraines by shortening and reducing their severity.
  • Medical treatments offered by Premier Pain Centers help treat persistent migraines. Treatment options also include mental healthcare.

    Triptan Drugs

    These migraine treatments are usually first-line. Commonly used medicines include:

  • Frovatriptan
  • Naratriptan (Amerge)
  • Rizatriptan (Maxalt)
  • Intrex or Onzetra sumatriptan
  • Ergotamine
  • This medicine narrows brain blood vessels and alters pain signal processing. Ergomar is a name-brand ergotamine. These medications contain an NSAID plus a barbiturate or opioid painkiller. People rarely go for chronic migraine treatments in Dallas because they exacerbate the condition, but a good physician can handle the situation. Psychotherapy can treat stress and anxiety, which cause migraines. Psychotherapy comes in numerous forms, so you can find one that works for you.

    Manage Stress

  • Stress and migraines often occur together. No one can avoid daily stress, but you can manage it to reduce migraines. Stress can cause migraines in teens, especially.
  • Simplify life. Avoid adding activities or chores to the day. Find ways to leave stuff out.
  • Use your time wisely. Work and home to-do lists should be updated daily. Delegate and break down large projects.
  • Rest. If you're overwhelmed, leisurely stretches or a brisk walk might re-energize you.
  • Change your mindset. Be optimistic. If you believe that this is impossible, change your perspective. Think, "It'll be hard. But I can manage."
  • Have fun. Give yourself 15 minutes to do something you like every day. It might be a game, coffee with a friend, or a pastime. Doing what you like reduces stress naturally.
  • Eat Well

    Diet can affect migraines. Consider fundamentals:

  • Maintain consistency. You should eat at the same time every day.
  • Avoid skipping meals. Fasting raises the risk of migraines.
  • Keep food logs. Tracking your diet and migraines might help you uncover dietary triggers. Intake of a good amount of magnesium for migraine is a very good approach.
  • Avoid migraine-causing foods. Remove a suspected migraine trigger from your diet to observe what occurs. Aged cheese, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol are examples.
  • Keep Yourself in Peace

    If you can, stop when a migraine starts. Turn off the lights. Both light and sound can worsen migraines. Relax in a dark, quiet room. If possible, sleep. Try temperature therapy. Hot or cold, compress your head or neck. Numbing ice packs may reduce discomfort. Heating pads and hot packs relieve tension. Warm showers or baths may work similarly. Drink caffeine. In tiny amounts, coffee alone can ease early migraine discomfort. Caffeine may boost the pain-relieving effects of acetaminophen and aspirin.

    Surgery for Migraines

    Some migraine sufferers get surgery when other therapies fail. This method is controversial and unstudied. Except in research studies, the American Headache Society doesn't endorse surgery. There are two main migraine surgeries:

  • Nerve decompression Migraine surgery in Fort Worth is used to decompress nerves. During this procedure, a surgeon removes tissue that presses on migraine-triggering nerves.
  • Neurectomy. Cut the nerve end where your agony begins.
  • Other medical treatments, like botox for migraine are very beneficial. And cognitive-behavioral treatment for migraine, in which therapists can teach you how thoughts and actions affect pain perception. They can also teach you stress-reduction techniques to prevent migraines.

    Is it Possible to Prevent or Reduce Chronic Migraines?

    Chronic migraine's cause is unknown to experts. That makes it impossible to prevent 100%. Some people can prevent chronic migraine, but those with a familial history may develop it. If you have episodic migraine, the only way to lower your risk of chronic migraine is to lessen the likelihood that your drugs may cause it. Your miragines specialist in Dallas can provide guidance on medication use and transformation prevention.

    When to Call a Doctor

    Consult a doctor at Dallas Emergency Care for Migraines if a headache persists. Seek medical attention immediately if you have a strong headache. The symptoms include:

  • A stiff neck, fever, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Migraines in pregnancy
  • Limb numbness/weakness.
  • Speech problems or slurring.
  • It's your first severe headache that prevents you from accomplishing daily tasks.
  • After head trauma, exercise, or sex, you get it.
  • Memory loss or confusion
  • Vision loss in one eye is known as ocular migraines.
  • You're over 50 and have never had this head pain.