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Telling the Difference Between Back and Hip Pain

If you experience pain in your lower back, hips, and related parts in the bottom area of your body, the reason isn’t always easy to pinpoint. Your pain might arise in your lumbar backbone (lower back) or your hip area—or both—and your doctor must diagnose the source of the issue so you have the appropriate treatment.

The nursery rhyme about the hip bone joining the leg bone is familiar to us. It’s a clear song, but it contains a surprising level of truth. The reality is that the body’s nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems are complex and surprisingly interconnected. Even a routine task like walking down the street utilizes a complete combination of a body’s bones and muscles, all of which are dependent on each other. As a tear, strain, or other injury occurs in one area of your body, an ache can often show itself in a completely different location of your body.

If you experience both hip and leg pain, it may all be related to your lower bottom. This is a good update; by managing your lower back, you might facilitate the related areas of your body.

How to Know If It’s Your Hip Causing Pain

Typically, people with hip pain have indications that appear in the anterior groin and hip area. Sometimes the ache will radiate into the anterior side of the thigh, yet it very rarely moves past the knee.

After prolonged sitting, patients experiencing hip problems find it difficult to stroll when they initially get up. Initially, the ache intensifies, but after a few limping movements, the hip lubrication occurs, alleviating the pain.

Osteoarthritis, which affects the hip joint, is a common issue. In addition to the groin ache, you'll often observe:

  • There is discomfort when walking, turning, and performing related physical activities.

  • Sitting is easy, but you may feel stiff.

  • Relief from resting

  • Limping

  • Aches that appear and disappear over time can become severe.

  • Discomfort in the groin

  • Labral tear in the hip

How to Know If It’s Your Back Causing Pain

The majority of back problems that confuse the hip are caused by herniated disks, which suppress nerves in the spinal cord. The hip region experiences related aches, known as "sciatica," as a result.

If there is pain in the back, please pray for it.

  • Your back, lateral hip, or buttocks may experience constriction.

  • Radiates down your leg under the knee with tingling, numbness, or weakness.

  • It becomes worse as you bend or sit.

  • Elevates when you walk or stand.

How are Lower Back and Hip Pain Treated?

When you know what causes lower back and hip pain, you can effectively treat the problem. There are various levels of lower back ache. The primary goal of this pain treatment is to prevent it from reaching a severe level. Here are a few treatment steps offered for lower back and hip pain:

Mind-Body and Psychological Therapies

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps people looking for other treatments for their lower back and hip issues. These techniques are often suggested by physical therapists, pain physicians in Dallas, or psychologists.

The treatment begins with understanding your issue, and then you progress to knowing how to develop a good way of thinking. At last, you will define your goals and collaborate to achieve the majority of them.


A portion of lower back and hip ache treatment concludes with taking care of yourself, and this involves understanding your ache levels and actively modifying your routine despite restricting movement comprehensively. However, to eliminate the pain over time, it is necessary to stay active by participating in light stretches.

Applying heat to the lower bottom and attempting relaxation movements can also help to reduce pain. Self-care might also mean observing how you activate your back and how much stress you put on it. For instance, you can ask for help if you need to lift heavy materials that may trigger your lower back and hip aches.

Short-term Relief of Symptoms

If you are observing a high intensity of pain, it might be best to ask for short-term relief before moving on to other long-term types of treatment. You might try any one of the following:

Spinal manipulation: The procedure entails activating the spinal joint below the normal range of motion.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is the practice of piercing the lower bottom and hips with a fine pin.

Massage: A short-term treatment that helps individuals relax and get short-term relief from hip and lower back pain.

When to See a Doctor for Your Lower Back and Hip Pain?

If your hip and lower back continue to hurt despite rest and prescription-free treatments, it is ideal to see a back pain doctor in Dallas.

You must ask for emergency medical help if you observe any of the following indications with hip pain or lower back pain:

  • Decreased bladder and bowel function

  • Hip pain at night

  • Poor capacity to move one or both legs

  • A loss of feeling in one or both legs occurs.

  • Hip joint pain when walking

  • Visible dysfunction in the back or leg, such as the inability to stand upright, is evident.

  • Right hip pain


Hip-spine issues encompass a variety of symptoms that can develop from both hip and back conditions. Accurate diagnosis is necessary for appropriate treatment. Knowing the distinct factors for pain arising from herniated discs or hip joints can help healthcare experts identify the underlying reasons. By considering all factors and undergoing thorough evaluations, healthcare experts at pain management in Dallas can offer focused interventions and enhance the management of back and hip pain in persons with hip-spine issues. Many non-surgical treatments exist such as activity modification, medicines, physical rehabilitation, conservative injections, and many other options.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.