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Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments of Hip Tendonitis

A tendon is the connecting link between a muscle and a bone. Pain, swelling, and discomfort can occur in your hip when these strong cords of tissue become inflamed. 

Overuse, strain and injury are the most common causes of tendonitis. As well as hip tendonitis, diabetes, infection or rheumatoid arthritis may be the cause of hip pain. If you suffer from tendon pain in your hip, you should consult your physician.
RICE is an effective treatment method for hip tendonitis. Massage and ultrasound therapy may also be recommended by a physical therapist to improve mobility. Pain Management in Dallas offers comprehensive care for patients with all types of pain conditions, including hip tendonitis.

Symptoms of Hip Tendonitis

Symptoms of hip tendonitis include soreness or deep aches in the front of the hip, which worsen after physical activity. To effectively manage your symptoms and prevent further damage, it's important to seek the expertise of a pain management doctor in Fort Worth. The pain also limits the range of motion. Hip tendonitis may also cause the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of tenderness in the hip area

  • Pain in the low back

  • Tight hip flexors

  • Sitting for an extended period of time causes discomfort

  • Shortening of steps is characteristic of an altered walking pattern 

  • An altered posture that exhibits an exaggerated lower back curve and a rotation of the pelvis forward

Causes of Hip Tendonitis

The hip flexors are composed of iliacus, psoas major, and psoas minor muscles, and are located at the back of the hip. In the lower spine, the iliopsoas is located beneath the femur (thigh bone).

As a whole, the iliopsoas helps to bring the hip joint into flexion, pulling the leg closer to the front of the body, such as when taking a step up or jumping. Additionally, torso braces can be useful for maintaining your balance when standing with one or both feet on the ground, or for assisting you in getting up from a lying position.  

In most cases, iliopsoas tendonitis is caused by repeated leg lifting during activities such as stepping, kicking, running, or jumping. Running, dancing, gymnastics, martial arts, cycling, and playing soccer are some of the activities you can participate in. 

An iliopsoas tendonitis may also develop following hip arthroscopy. Minimally invasive hip surgery aims to repair structures within the hip joint. Moreover, the reason for this is that after surgery, movement patterns in the joints and muscle activation patterns have been altered.

How Can Hip Tendon Pain Be Treated?

If you are dealing with this condition, seeking professional help from a pain specialist in Dallas can provide you with the right diagnosis and treatment plan to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. After confirming that your pain is due to hip tendonitis, your physician may recommend a combination of the following treatments to relieve your hip pain and restore your joint function:

  • Rest

Rest is essential for the healing of hip tendons. Taking time off from training or competing in sports or modifying your activities may be necessary to reduce hip strain.

  • Medication

To reduce inflammation and swelling in your hip tendons, you can also take anti-inflammatory medications over-the-counter or on prescription. 

Furthermore, the use of cortisone injections for the treatment of hip tendon pain is rare.

  • Physical Therapy

In order to heal and restore your hip, your hip specialist may recommend physical therapy, such as exercises, massage, stretches, and electrical stimulation.

  • Orthotics

The cause of your hip pain may be a biomechanical issue or a structural abnormality, in which case your doctor may advise orthotic shoe inserts to solve the problem.

  • Surgery

Surgical repair of your tendons and restoration of hip circulation are possible options if non-surgical treatments fail to resolve your hip pain. 

As well as traditional open surgery for the hip, the team offers minimally invasive arthroscopic procedures.

Diagnosis of Hip Tendonitis

If you're experiencing hip tendonitis, seeking professional help from a trusted pain management clinic like Corsicana Pain Management can provide relief and improve your quality of life. Your physician will examine you and review your medical history during your appointment.  Your doctor may order the following tests if he or she needs more information to diagnose the cause of your hip pain: 

  • Aspiration: In this procedure, fluid is removed from the joint area using a needle and syringe.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Creating hip images requires a computer and a magnet.

  • X-rays: An electromagnetic beam produces an image of the hop and the soft tissues surrounding it. During this test, you will be able to determine whether or not you suffer from arthritis. X-rays cannot show tendon damage, but they can reveal arthritis-related bone damage. 


Iliopsoas tendonitis results from overuse of the hip flexor following exercise, running, jumping, or kicking. Overuse of the hip flexors is the most common cause of this condition. In the absence of hip tendonitis, you will experience pain in the front of your hip that gets worse with movement and your hips will not move. 

Treatments for hip tendonitis include NSAIDs, stretching, and physical therapy. In most cases, you'll recover completely. Moreover, a cortisone injection may be necessary if chronic hip tendonitis does not improve. To reduce pain and tightness, they may need surgery to release the iliopsoas tendon. At Richardson Pain Management, we specialize in providing comprehensive care for individuals with hip tendonitis.

Dr. Rao K. Ali M.D.

Dr. Rao Ali, a board-certified pain management physician, leads the clinic, which specializes in nonsurgical treatment. The physician has experience in the emergency room as well as training in pain management and rehabilitation. As a personal physician, he works with each patient to develop a treatment plan that will minimize or eliminate their pain. Providing expert diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions, Pain Management In Dallas, PA provides a comprehensive range of services. These services include neck pain, back pain, hip and knee pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, headaches, migraines, and many others.